Monster Children

If you like Surf & Skate culture, you'll like Monster Children 
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✿ Instagram ✿

Here's a little snapshot of what my instagram's looking like lately. Go ahead and chuck us a follow: @bellanolan
I have a two week break before heading back to school again so I'm likely to be posting regular updates on my precious insta. 
Hope everyone's feeling lovely today 
- B

Neon Love

I've been seeing  a lot of photos of these instillation's around lately and finding them pretty rad. 
If anyone knows any particular artist that doesn't them please give me a holla. 

Take My Picture

This 10 minute short on street style blogging and photographers is worth a watch. I find Tim Blanks perspective on the whole subject really interesting and can't help but agree with him. 
- B

Photographer love: Michael Donovan

I like to call these photos: girls not giving a fuck by Michael Donovan
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