Back to School

'Back to school. Back to school, to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool. I got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight.'

Wish me luck  

All hail queen Tavi

I thought I'd use this space to Worship Tavi Gevinson. May as well get into it early, because you know, she will rule the world one day. 
- B 


Haii guizz, 
This is a little bit of an update post (even though i've only had this blog for like 5 days) 
Got my hair cut all short and spunky - well for me. 
My weakness for socks caved in today, I bought these beauties at topshop.
 I also bought the cutest jump suit whilst I was in Chapel Street, I'm wearing it but you can't really see it. 
And last of all I'm going up to port fairy with my girls for a couple of days tomorrow, It's going to be soooo good. 
This is what it'll most likely look like (although I'm not that skinny, but you get the gist): 
Have a lovely week 
- B

Beach Lovin'

My little cousins ran away from the waves and I took pictures.

How I love them so 
- B

Girl Crush: Montana Cox

Ever since watching top model I've had this major girl crush on montana cox. So much that I made a tumblr dedicated to her (It sounds really creepy when I say it out loud). 
It's so look at these pictures and then follow the shit out of that. 

"That body, that strength and that beautiful face.Boom. Bang. Wow." 
- B

(lol jks, Charlotte Dawson actually said that) 

SRC 783

SRC 783 is a new collaboration between fashion editor Christina Dietze & Creative Director/Designer Nick Thomm.
It only came out at the end of last year and issue Zero definitely lived up to it's expectations. The visuals are just insane, the pages have been created in ways I've never seen in a magazine before. It's being something new and exciting and I love it. 

Get on this bad boy 
- B